Tools & Advice

The Low-Down on Credit Counseling
Credit counseling isn’t just for those who need to improve their financial health — it can also help you to be more proactive in maintaining your finances as well. Continue reading

Fraud Alert: Scammers Take Advantage of Vaccine
It is important to remember health insurance companies, health departments, and vaccine distribution centers will not ask for your social security, bank account, or a credit/debit card number. Continue reading

Identity Theft: How to Protect Yourself From Scammers
During webinar we’ll cover what identity theft is, including how it occurs, how thieves use your information, how to protect yourself, and what to do if you become a victim. Continue reading

Washington State Auditor Data Breach – 2020
Set up Alerts and Notifications within online banking to be notified when transactions hit accounts and when balances drop below a threshold. Continue reading

What is a Live Video Teller?
It looks like an ATM, works like an ATM, but also has the option to speak to a live, local Sound teller on the other side. Continue reading

Car Buying 101
This webinar is meant to provide you with tips and tricks to make the most of your visit to the car dealership when looking to buy a car. Continue reading

New Year Re$olutions: How to Refresh Your Budget
This webinar is meant to provide you with financial guidance on how to prioritize your financial goals for the new year. Continue reading

Sound Webinars
Sound Credit Union offers free webinars to help provide financial guidance on relevant financial topics. Continue reading

College Planning 101: How to Prepare, Pay, and Stay in College Webinar
This webinar is meant to provide you with financial guidance on how to navigate student loans. Continue reading

Budgeting During a Pandemic Webinar
This webinar will go over the basics of budgeting and how these skills can help you, even during a pandemic. Continue reading