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Online Payments Setup How-To Guide

How-To GuidesTools & Advice

Sound offers several options to make loan payments. Though we recommend making payments from within Online Banking, we offer several other payment options that don't require Online Banking or the Mobile App.

How To Set Up Online Payments from soundcu.com

These step-by-step instructions will walk you through how to set up online payments from soundcu.com.

  1. Log out of Sound online banking and stay logged out.
  2. Start from this website, soundcu.com
  3. If on a computer, select Make a Payment from the top utility menu. If on a mobile/tablet device, Select the menu button (three horizontal bars), then select “Make a Payment”.

From a mobile device, click Menu and then Make a payment

Click "Make a Payment" along the top utility menu

4. Scroll down and you will see “Pay a Sound Loan from a Non-Sound Account.” Below it you will see Consumer Loan with an asterisk (*). Select the Pay Now button beneath Consumer Loan*.


5. Even if you have a Sound Credit Union Online Banking account, select Register.

6. Enter the Primary’s information.

7. In the Primary Member Number field enter your Sound Credit Union identifying member number.

8. Enter the rest of the information and complete any additional steps until it prompts for a password.

9. Enter a password and from there you will be able to set up auto-pay or one-time payments from our website.

Select "Register" even if you have an online banking

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