Life & Finances
Beware: Scammers want to take advantage of you
Scams can come in many forms: email, text, a phone call, mail, or in-person. Continue reading
Seven Tips for Tracking Down Your Dream Career
Personality quizzes and aptitude tests can be helpful in starting your career search, as long as you’re realistic about their results. Continue reading
Attitudes Towards Insurance
The more realistic you are about how much a particular loss would cost you, the better you’ll be able to articulate your insurance needs when shopping for a policy. Continue reading
Five Ways to Lower the Cost of Tuition Before Considering a Student Loan
It’s never too early to start your scholarship search—reach out to your high school guidance counselor or the financial aid coordinator at the college you wish to attend. Continue reading
Five Good Money Habits to Boost Your Retirement Savings
Understanding the give-and-take of budgeting is a powerful skill, and it’s easier to cut spending when you can put it in the context of achieving a goal. Continue reading
It Pays To Start Saving Now
It’s the concept that powers all sorts of savings and investment products and, over time, allows you to turn your money into, well, more money! Continue reading
Four Questions to Ask Yourself Before Signing a Mortgage
Owning a home is likely the largest financial commitment you’ll make in your life, and it’s easy to get caught up in details pertaining to debt-to-income ratios, the real estate market, current interest rates and amortization schedules. Continue reading
Where You Seek Financial Advice Says a Lot About You
Having an expert assess your financial situation and design a plan for you is an extremely powerful tool because they can recommend products, services and strategies that you might never have come across on your own. Continue reading
Choosing your Financial Institution
The very first financial decision you ever made is also one of the most important choices—it’s where to keep your money. Continue reading
When Buying a Used Car Privately, Beware of “Curbstoning”
A curbstoner often gets away with scamming buyers because he or she sells the vehicle and then disappears. Continue reading